Chicago PD: Season 6 - Episode 20; Sacrifice

  • (0:00)  Upton's Residence / 2016 W. Wilson Avenue, Chicago

  • (0:01)  Ruzek And Upton Roll Up To The Aftermath Of A Shooting / S. Hoyne Avenue And W. Coulter Street, Chicago

  • (0:06)  Ruzek Setting Up A Drug Deal Inside Of A Bar / The Village Inn; 4035 S. Wallace Avenue, Chicago

  • (0:07)  Ruzek Tries To Do The Drug Deal On A Street / 1680 S. Stewart Avenue, Chicago

  • (0:12)  The Drug House Under Surveillance / 2016 S. Washtenaw Avenue, Chicago (Note: They Are Showing The Back Of The House From The Alley)

  • (0:14)  The End Of The Foot Chase / Wilson CTA Station; 4620 N. Broadway, Chicago

  • (0:19)  Riley's Residence / 4415 S. Lowe Avenue, Chicago

  • (0:19)  Following Riley To His Job / Cedar Concepts; 4100 S. Packers Avenue, Chicago

  • (0:23)  Responding To A Robbery At A Pharmacy / Deitch Pharmacy; 1800 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago

  • (0:29)  Eric Shaw's Residence / 4552 S. Union Avenue, Chicago


  1. Is the whole show filmed in Chicago? Do they actors travel or stay in the area when filming?

  2. They stay in Chicago, during Filming sometimes they will go home on weekend when they aren't needed on Friday of that week, yes the whole Show is filmed in Illinois as they film in the Suburbs sometimes as well

  3. That is awesome that they stay i Illinois when filming. Do they ever have a meet and greet type of thing where you can meet the crew while Illinois? I live in FL but visit my daughter a few times a yr. I am an avid fan as are millions of others and would love to do a meet and get or set on the sidelines of a show. Just wondering. Thank you. Sonya Matthews

    1. Hello, filming usually takes place between Mid July to April. Of course there breaks around the holidays. If you are on Twitter make sure you follow the page called "Filming In Chicago" He gives daily filming locations. Hope this helps.
