Make Sure You Check Out Geoff's Website As He Has Done A Real Good Job Finding The Rest Of The Filming locations From This Television Series. He Also Has Other Movies And Television Shows There. Click This Link To Go To His Home Page 90210 Locations
- The Gallagher Residence / 2119 S. Homan Avenue, Chicago
- The Jackson Residence / 1937 S. Spaulding Avenue, Chicago
- Kevin And Veronica's Residence / 2113 S. Homan Avenue, Chicago
- The Milkovich Residence / 1955 S. Trumbull Avenue, Chicago
- The Alibi Room Bar / Warner Bros; Midwest Street, Burbank
- The Kash And Grab Convenience Store / Warner Bros; New York Street, Burbank (Note: This Is The Same Place Shown In The Later Seasons Of The Hit Television Series ER)
thx....i live in japan.
ReplyDeleteHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha sucks to be you!! I live right next door!!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't it suck to be you? That area is unsafe.
Deletethat would be lincoln heights
ReplyDeleteNot Lincoln Heights - (North) Lawndale. I lived on the opposite side of the the Chicago PD's block in this neighborhood from 2013-2104. Didn't know the show shot exteriors there, but I didn't watch it then.
DeleteThe Kash and Grab is Also the same building/set that they now use as Patsy's Pies
ReplyDeleteCan anyone provide Gud Pfender's apartment pics.
ReplyDeleteThese houses look old, but I like the old-fashioned way, like I love duck life.
ReplyDeleteThese locations are the best and when I click for source I found many details about these places, and it is good or the people who love to visit the places spotted in the different movies.