Out Cold (1989)

  • (0:04)  Cannald & Geary Meat Market / 347 W. 7th Street, San Pedro

  • (0:11)  Ernie And Sunny Cannald's House / 2741 Graysby Avenue, San Pedro

  • (0:23)  Dave, Phyllis And Lew's House / Still Searching For This Location

  • (0:38)  The Road That Dave Is Driving Up The Hill To Summer's House / 735 W. 32nd Street, San Pedro (Norte: The Camera Is Looking East)

  • (0:44)  Lester's Office / 772 Tuna Street, San Pedro (Note: This Building Has Since Been Torn Down)

  • (0:45)  Lester Going Down The Block To Get Some Food / 748 Tuna Street, San Pedro

  • (1:00)  The Panettis Club Out In The Woods / Still Searching For This Location

  • (1:13)  Sunny And Dave Dumping The Car / Terminal Island; Long Beach

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