Chicago PD: Season 11 - Episode 12; Inventory

  • (0:10)  Voight And Upton Looking For Kiki Dunn At A House / 3220 W. Evergreen Avenue, Chicago

  • (0:15)  The Unit At An Apartment Complex Of Buildings Still Looking For Kiki / 4300 W. Ford City Drive, Chicago

  • (0:27)  Voight At A Bar / Cincespace Studios Soundstage Set, Chicago

  • (0:33)  Upton Leaving Bobby Keter's Residence / 3224 E. Evergreen Avenue, Chicago

  • (0:37)  The Unit Going To Frank Matson's House With A Search Warrant / 5431 S. Rutherford Avenue, Chicago

  • (0:39)  Upton At Voight's House / 2028 W. Walton Street, Chicago

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