Chicago Fire: Season 6 - Episode 10; Slamigan

  • (0:08)  Responding To A Woman's Hand Stuck In Her Garbage Disposal / 415 E. North Water Street, Chicago

  • (0:12)  Dawson Going To Safe Harbor To See If Bria Is Staying There / Logan Square Boys And Girls Club; 3228 W. Palmer Street, Chicago

  • (0:28)  Responding To A Building On Fire / Buddy Products; 1350 S. Leavitt Street, Chicago

  • (0:35)  A Fancy Fireman Charity Event / The Blackstone Hotel; 636 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago


  1. Was that apartment with the garbage disposal the same place where Clarice’s baby Shower was held?

    1. it looks similar but then many locations in Chicago do
