
Thank You To Gary From The Seeing-Stars Website For Knowing Where The Mural Was Located

Thank You Mike From The Movie Shots LA Website For Tracking Down Some Of These Locations

Thank You To Michael Delahaut From The Delta Bravo Urban Exploration Team For Finding The Burger Place

  • (0:08)  The Drive-By Shooting Of Robert Craig / 115 W. 111th Street, Watts (Note: The Area Has Changed A Little Bit Since The Movie Was Made And The Third And Fourth Screen Shots Are Of The Buildings Seen Across 111th Street From The Shooting And They Are Still There)

  • (0:13)  Having A Chat With The Guys In Front Of A Mural / Northwest Corner Of S. Main Street And W. 113th Street, Watts

  • (0:14)  Detaining The Gangsters In An Alley With Their First Encounter With Clarence "High Top" Brown / Alley Is Behind 112 W. 112th Street, Watts

  • (0:21)  Stopping Restaurant To Get Some Food And Coffee Where Officer McGavin Meets Louisa Gomez / 10800 S. San Pedro Street, Los Angeles (Note: The Restaurant Has Since Been Torn Down But The Small Building Seen In The Second Screen Shot Is Still There)

  • (0:23)  Spot Under The Bridge Where Officer Bob Hodges Asks If The Guys Had Seen Any Gang Members / 3329 E. 4th Street, Los Angeles (Note: You Enter The Lower Part Via S. Concord Street)

  • (0:25)  Spot Where The Kid Throws A Rock At The Officer's Car / The Officers Are Driving On Emerald Street And Officer McGavin Is Looking At The Kids Running Away Down The Hill Just North Of Where S. Toluca Street Ends, Los Angeles (Note: The Last Screen Shot Is On Emerald Street As He Is Coming Back To His Car)

  • (0:32)  The Church For The Funeral But A Drive By Interrupts Things / 11322 Wilmington Avenue, Watts (Note: The Church Or Church Made From A House Has Since Been Torn Down)

  • (0:37)  The Chase Ends At The Watts Towers / 1765 E. 107th Street, Watts

  • (0:49)  The Police Station / LA County Sheriff Department; 21356 Avalon Blvd, Carson

  • (0:51)  Doing A Bust At A Couple Of Houses Next To Each Other / 600 Shields Drive, San Pedro (Note: The House On The Right Was The 600 House)

  • (0:57)  Officer McGavin Tapping The Kid On The Shoulder With His Night Stick Because Of The Kid Spray Painting On The Wall And Later Spraying Paint In The Kid's Face / Southeast Corner Of N. Fickett Avenue And E. Cesar Chavez Avenue, East LA (Note: The Mural Seen After The Kid Crosses The Street Is No Longer There As The Building Has Since Been Torn Down)

  • (0:59)  McGavin Making An Arrest Of A Potential Drug Dealer / E. 103rd Street At Croesus Avenue, Watts

  • (1:08)  Officer Hodges Spotting And Then Starting To Chase High Top / 52 Windward Avenue, Venice

  • (1:09)  The End Of The Chase Where High Top Crashes His Motorcycle Into A Restaurant / Canal Club; 2025 Pacific Avenue, Venice  (Note: He Crashes Into The Building On The Pacific Avenue Side)

  • (1:16)  The Arrests Behind The Liquor Store / Nate's Liquor; 4412 Huntington Drive S, Los Angeles

  • (1:24)  Police Busting In On A House Where They Think Rocket Is But He Is Not There And They Kill The Guy / Still Searching For This Location

  • (1:31)  The House With All Of The Graffiti All Over It / 2082 E. 110th Street, Watts (Note: The House Looks To Have Been Torn Down And Replaced But In The First Screen Shot All Of The Other Houses Are Still Recognizable That Are West Of The House)

  • (1:34)  The Party House That Gets Shot Up By The Drive By Shooters / 1070 N. Hicks Avenue, East LA

  • (1:50)  Spot Where Officer Hodges Gets Shot / Guessing It Was Where Vista Hermosa Park Is Now Located; 100 N. Toluca Street, Los Angeles

  • (1:53)  McGavin With His New Partner In A Watts Alley / The Alley Is Located Just Off Santa Ana Blvd Behind 1740 E. 106th Street, Watts (Note: You Can See The Watts Towers After They Give Up And Come Back To The Road)


  1. Hi, I was just watching COLORS and checking out the locations on here, then taking a look at them on Google Streetview. One thing I've found is that the S. Toluca Street Graffiti Covered Cement Building (once a railroad station maybe?) hasn't been torn down, its actually still there and its been renovated:

    1. You are absolutely correct. Wow!!! Very interesting discovery. Thanks for the info.

    2. That’s the Belmont tunnel graffiti yard it’s a historic building because of the graffiti.

    3. I am pretty sure this location is using in the serie V (the orginal one) for a scene featuring Michael Ironside.

  2. Belmont Tunnel aka Toluca Substation (Graffiti covered building)
    The Belmont Tunnel / Toluca Substation and Yard is a designated historic monument located within the city limits of Los Angeles. The tunnel, substation and yard are remnants of the former Pacific Electric Railway's line that ran between the Subway Terminal Building in Downtown Los Angeles and the residential district of Westlake. The monument occupies a vacant lot roughly one mile west of downtown.

  3. The scene 0:51 is on shields drive. That tiny house still there. 600 shields drive

    1. Thank you for the correction as I guess I didn't look close enough to the house.

  4. The building with the mural was also in the scene in Falling Down in the drive by shooting attempt on D-Fens while he was on a payphone calling his ex-wife.

  5. You forget to mention in this page the scene of the 21st gang walking together with angry faces and relatiation feeling towards crip deville gang.Then they jump into car top of a hill with the view of l.a. downtown. Could you please say what place, neighbourhood or street is?

    1. Lets see, if i can help (can't seem to get my comment online). That was in an alley between White Knoll drive and N. Beaudry avenue. Looking down from Figueroa Terrace.

    2. The bottom of the alley is behind 817 Centennial st. On google maps, you can actually go in the alley. And yes, The top of the alley is 1015 Figueroa Terrace.

  6. To the question of the scene 0:21 minutes, with mcgabin and Luisa at the mexican food stand, maybe is located in some Inglewood area, because you can see graffiti of IVC (Imperial Village Crips).

  7. When I watched the DVD it said somewhere "Locke-Ness" and I figured it might be the name of the establishment. I looked it up in a 1988 LA phone book at the library and in the words of Jeff Spicoli: "No dice!"

  8. Found something like this on the taco stand, but not sure if it's the real deal or not...

  9. How very strange. A GMC van or similar almost identical to the one Rocket was driving and the one the CRASH officers were looking for I noticed while looking around this area Google Maps. It even has the ladder on the back and dark tinted windows. Check the area around 271 Emerald Street.

  10. The famous Belmont tunnel, the fictional "21st street" gang's turf, is now a giant apartment complex that engulfs the entire area where the graffiti filled, slabs of concrete were. Unrecognizable today.

  11. There's a liquor store on Soto st. in Boyle Heights, just south of the 10 freeway that looks a lot like the liquor store in the movie with the steep driveway, where they bust the guys in Rocket's van. Always wondered if that might have been it. Must be a coincidence.

  12. Team Chuck Norris found the Burger stand. 12 blocks north.

    10800 s san pedro


  13. What was the bridge in the background where the homies step to Pacman for spraying that kid's face? This scene was only seen in the VHS extended version.

  14. The scene from the extended VHS version where the kid confronts Pac Man when he picks up Maria is the same bridge from earlier, when the guys say they haven't seen any "gang members" around. Lorena and 4th street, Boyle Heights. Where's the store where T-Bone gets down with his rabbit?

  15. Thank you!! I got a picture of the mural on Northwest Corner Of S. Main Street And W. 113th Street! A dream came through, because i love this movie.
    Mark from Italy

  16. The scenes are great, this is where the production of good movies.

  17. Very nice. Thanks for all the hints to the locations. ;D

  18. > McGavin Making An Arrest Of A Potential Drug Dealer

    I think that was on Juniper, not Croesus.

  19. What is the street when the movie opens with the empty street and the crip van stopping and turning to do the blood hit, I tried to look for the corner store with the light on the outside but i have no luck finding the location.

  20. Lincoln Heights Jail rooftop prison scene.

  21. Colors are the vibrant palette of our world, How Can Develop each shade holding its unique emotion and symbolism.
